C.A.R.E. is a community development corporation
The Community Alliance and Reinvestment Endeavor, Inc. (C.A.R.E.) is a faith-based 501(C) (3) non-profit community development corporation, originally founded in 1984 as the neighborhood outreach arm of Holy Trinity Church of God, Reading, PA.

We're organized for neighborhood outreach
Since its birth, C.A.R.E. has grown in tandem with community needs, and now oversees a diverse range of need meeting programs including Day House (soup kitchen, clothing distribution, job placement), Transitional Housing, and youth development activities. Additionally, C.A.R.E. operates a neighborhood restaurant (The House of Good Food) which stands in the community as a positive role modeling station and a site of community dialogue and fellowship.
Our primary service area focuses on Readings’ Sixth Ward district. This area is home to an estimated 4,500 city residents and has the highest concentration of minority and low to moderate income residents.
Board of Directors
Board members are volunteer trustees who meet monthly provide governance to the organization, represent C.A.R.E. to the community, and accept the ultimate legal authority for all C.A.R.E. operations.
The C.A.R.E. Board has four standing committees; Governance, Personnel, Development & Recruitment.
Contribute to C.A.R.E.
We thankfully welcome any contributions of time, talent, and financial resources.